5 Reasons Why You Should Choose Collaborative Divorce

We write a lot about collaborative divorce, but that’s because we believe it’s a worthy solution for separating couples.  However, we understand that you’re probably not yet convinced, and that’s why you’re here.

The motives for collaborative divorce aren’t as far out as you might think. Although it’s a non-traditional divorce route (unlike litigation), it’s fast on its way to becoming an amicable alternative. Want to know if this joint option is right for you? Consider the reasons why many couples decide on collaborative divorce.

Benefits of Choosing Collaborative Divorce

1. Collaborative Divorce Reduces Costs

Numerous studies show that financial fights make for an unhappy couple over time, which often leads them to divorce. Why continue the trend in litigation? Collaborative divorce ensures costs are more manageable so there’s less for couples to fight about throughout the process.

2. Collaborative Divorce Lets the Couple Control the Timetable

When it comes to that process, couples also have more control over the arrangements – unlike divorce proceedings, which are subject to drawn-out court scheduling. Likewise, spouses can take extra time if needed. Meaning: The joint divorce process ebbs and flows with a couple’s unique needs rather than that of a general-purpose judicial ruling that often ignores an otherwise sensitive situation.

3. Collaborative Divorce Helps Manage Separation Stress

Since team divorce gives weight to a couple’s schedule, as well as their emotional needs, it’s possible to mitigate stress. The right timing makes way for collaborative professionals to offer support. Trained counselors, for example, can work alongside the two-way team to come up with actionable solutions for better communication. Better communication equals less stress.

4. Collaborative Divorce Allows for an Agreeable Parenting Plan

The more open couples are in the divorce process, the more likely they are to settle on good-natured plans. Issues involving children, such as child custody or support, are an especially touchy subject for divorcing parents. Fighting over them in a courtroom likely won’t make for a happy resolution. The 2008 Parenting Bill now ensures that it’s not only mothers who get full custody. There’s a major emphasis on co-parenting, which may not work for all couples; know that a heated court battle could take a parenting plan in an unwanted direction for both parties.

5. Collaborative Divorce Provides Closure Your Marriage Deserves

All these factors combined give the proper time and attention to your marriage, which adds value to the memories a couple creates over years or even decades of matrimony. The collaborative divorce process promises that spouses can work together with mutual respect and sincerity if they pledge to do so.

Want to make the most of this tough time in your life? Choose collaborative divorce and remain in control. Contact Dean G. Tsourakis today to find out more reasons why couples choose collaborative divorce and to schedule a free consultation.