Guide to Getting on with Your Life Following a Divorce
Are you stressing out about your divorce? Follow these steps to take back your life after a divorce, and relax — there’s life on the other side.
Use these seven healthy steps after a divorce to ease the stress:
1. Attitude
Stay positive. Divorce doesn’t necessarily have to bring a great deal of stress with it. When you’re going through a divorce, the greatest benefit comes from divorcing yourself from your emotions until everything has been settled.
2. Children
If you have children, change is inevitable following a divorce. Always respect your child’s or children’s right to be happy and live a childhood free from major stresses. This means that keeping a child’s best interests at heart is most crucial when going through a divorce. For children, being separated from either parent is tough, so it’s up to you to work out a solution. Oftentimes, shared child custody is the best option.
3. Friends
There will likely be splits in friendship. If you and your spouse shared mutual friends, there is a possibility that these relationships will change. Mutual friends tend to get separated after a divorce, as it’s difficult for some friends to remain “in the middle” without taking sides. Try not to take the breaking up of mutual friends personal, as it’s likely difficult for everyone.
4. Family
If you have children, it’s important that you allow your children to remain connected with your spouse’s family. It’s also important to focus on maintaining significant relationships between family members. You might not believe it, but your kids will probably need the other side of their family.
5. Property
One of the biggest issues following a divorce is deciding who gets what and how to divide the things you’ve acquired while married. The property that was obtained throughout the duration of your marriage is divided according to statutes of Equitable Distribution in Florida. This means that it’s common for both spouses to first be granted personal or non-marital property then divide joint assets obtained during the marriage.
In addition, some non-marital property, such as a house, can become marital property when brought into the marriage or the spouse is placed on the title. More often than not, each spouse is given equal distribution of marital property.
6. Loose Ends
Cut them. Anything that keeps pathways of communication and unresolved emotions between parties should be severed unless necessary. This helps to avoid bringing up things that hurt.
No one goes into a marriage thinking it will end in divorce. In fact, most people are much more optimistic. Therefore, no matter the circumstances, there will be something that still “gets to you”. Avoid this. If you have children, constructive communication between parents is necessary to the development of your children.
7. What’s New?
Focus on what’s in store for the future. Don’t look back, but keep your eyes on the road ahead.
Would you prefer to work with an attorney towards a collaborative divorce resolution?
It’s possible to reach a resolution before filing your paperwork. Work with a family law attorney who specializes in collaborative divorce practices. Contact Dean Tsourakis to set up a consultation today.
Equitable Distribution in Florida Dissolution of Marriage
on Feb 17, 2016