Clearwater DUI Attorney
Call 727-785-2700 to schedule a free consultation.
What’s Considered A DUI in Florida?
It’s surprisingly easy to commit a DUI without even knowing it due to recent changes in the law. Here in Florida, all it takes is a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08% or higher. Depending on your size and metabolism, how quickly you’re drinking, and the strength of your drinks, it’s possible to hit that after one drink. If you were arrested for drunk driving, it’s important to contact a Clearwater DUI Attorney to represent your case.
Penalties for a DUI in Clearwater
Maybe you don’t feel impaired after a couple of quick drinks. Unfortunately, how you feel is irrelevant. All that matters is the result of your breath test – and if that number is over 0.08%, you will almost certainly find yourself slapped with a DUI. Taking a breath test is a big decision and should be considered carefully.
If that happens, it’s possible that the charge could be just a Misdemeanor, provided this is your first offense and nobody was hurt. Otherwise – if you’re a repeat offender, or if someone was injured or killed – it will almost certainly be upgraded to a Felony.
If you’re convicted, expect your sentence to include at least one of the following:
- Jail time
- Fines
- Suspension of your Driver’s License
- Impounded vehicle
- Community Service
- DUI School
- Ignition Interlock
Hire An Aggressive DUI Attorney
If you’re arrested for a DUI in Clearwater, call a lawyer immediately – preferably one who has experience with DUI cases on both sides of the table, as a Prosecutor and as a Criminal Defense Attorney.
In the meantime, don’t make any statements to the police. Don’t apologize for or admit to anything. Yes, it may seem hopeless, especially if you’ve failed, but a failed breath test isn’t insurmountable. (Taking a breath test is a big decision and should be considered carefully.) We may very well be able to overcome it – after all, I’ve done it for other clients. I may also be able to help you avoid the state-mandated automatic Driver’s License suspension, so you can continue to get to and from work while your case works its way through the system.
Contact me today for a free consultation.
on 05.28.2014