The Benefits of Collaborative Divorce for Families with Children

Families with Children Benefit from a Collaborative Divorce Attorney

Fear of the unknown outcome — it’s what most families worry about most when it comes to divorce. You don’t want to lose precious time with your child, and you don’t want to turn your divorce into a painful process for anyone involved.

How do you avoid turning divorce into an ordeal? Families benefit greatly from a collaborative divorce attorney. Children shouldn’t suffer because of a divorce, and the nightmare can be avoided by building and maintaining constructive communication between parents. You must set yourself up for cooperation by starting the initial process with the least friction possible.


What are the benefits of collaborative divorce for families?


Fairness and Control with Final Agreement

One of the most attractive aspects of collaborative divorce vs. traditional divorce is the ability to control and tailor a unique outcome for your situation. This allows for more fairness and mutual agreement between parents before proceeding with shared child custody arrangements and a settlement.


The Outcome is Known before Filing Paperwork

Coming to an agreement before filing divorce paperwork with the court will allow for both parents to work together to reach an agreement rather than being ordered to “take it or leave it”. This is more beneficial in that adjustments can be made to the settlement until everyone has agreed instead of when the court decides on a final judgement.


Less Time to Reach a Resolution

It takes far less time to settle any disputes between parents when you’re working outside the court system. Otherwise, you’re working against the busy schedule of divorce courts, and you can wait months for resolve.


Save Money by Avoiding Litigation

Going to court for divorce can cost a lot of time and money. It’s not exactly a good option when you could choose collaborative divorce practices that save you months of preparation, then still leave you without an acceptable final decision. Disagreement has a huge negative effect on children, and they often become victims of both parents’ inability to find the “common ground” following a messy divorce. Divorce is hard enough on children, but collaborative divorce has the potential to reduce the long-term impact of these negative effects.


Reduces Stress and Bitterness

If one parent feels they have been wronged by a court arrangement, then this issue is more likely to cause friction and even more problems in the future. The subtle things two people can do to undermine each other may be more pronounced following the divorce. No matter your family role, everyone benefits from collaborative divorce, especially your children.


There are no cons in coming to a fair agreement. In fact, working toward a plan that benefits the other party will also benefit you in the long run. It will reduce feelings of bitterness that so often indirectly affect children throughout the process.

A collaborative divorce attorney presents an alternative to traditional divorce practices.

Get in touch with an experienced family law and divorce attorney. Contact Dean Tsourakis to set up a collaborative divorce consultation.


7 Reasons to Choose Collaborative Divorce Attorneys

The Benefits of a Collaborative Divorce