Top 8 Reasons You Shouldn’t Handle Your Criminal Defense Case

If you’ve been accused of a crime or are facing criminal charges, you want to ensure that you get the best possible result. Representing yourself will not get you there. Instead, you need to hire an experienced attorney to represent your criminal defense case. After all, there are several factors to consider when dealing with a criminal trial, including:

  • the prosecution’s evidence,
  • how witnesses may testify,
  • an overwhelming amount of paperwork,
  • lack of time to prepare, and
  • not being familiar with legal proceedings, which is likely to rankle the judge who is presiding over your criminal defense case in Florida

These are just a few examples, but most important is the fact that legal expertise and experience will go a long way in determining the outcome of your case, and chances are you have neither. Here are the top 8 reasons you shouldn’t represent yourself during your criminal defense case.

Why You Need an Attorney to Represent Your Criminal Defense Case

    1. Your Life Could Change If You Lose

If you decide to represent yourself, you are likely to lose your criminal defense case. Not only will you have to devise your own defense, but then quickly get up to speed on how to introduce evidence, make legal arguments, and question witnesses under the legal standards of the court. An experienced criminal defense attorney can make the difference between a clean record or carrying around a criminal record for the rest of your life. Your criminal record could stand in the way of getting the job you want or finding a place to call home.

    1. If You Represent Yourself, You Are on Your Own

During your trial, you will have the same responsibilities as an attorney, if you decide to represent yourself. You will not receive any help from the judge or the prosecution. In addition to what’s mentioned above, you will be charged with being well-versed in court laws, procedures, and rules; filing motions and documents; and meeting all deadlines.

    1. An Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney Has Expert Knowledge

No matter how many episodes of Law and Order you’ve seen, they won’t prepare you to represent yourself during your criminal defense case. An experienced criminal defense attorney has spent years obtaining legal knowledge and knows the ins and outs of legal proceedings. He/she can handle all the paperwork, court documents, and deadlines that come with your case.

    1. An Attorney Is Your Greatest Advocate

An experienced criminal defense attorney can devote the necessary amount of time to your criminal defense case to help get the best outcome. Unlike public defenders, who may only have an hour or two to allocate to your case, a criminal attorney will be well prepared for your defense.

    1. Hiring a Criminal Defense Attorney Costs Less Than Being Convicted

You may save on attorney’s fees if you represent yourself, but if you lose your criminal defense case, the financial repercussions could be dire. You may have to pay large fines and court costs, and if you go to jail, you could end up losing your job, house, and car.

    1. An Attorney Could Help You Get the Result You Want

Beyond having a criminal record, you could face jail time, house arrest, and/or heavy fines if you lose your case. A criminal defense attorney could help you win your case, help you get a reduced or alternative sentence, or help you reach a plea bargain or fair settlement.

    1. An Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney Has Access to Expert Witnesses and Other Professionals

During your trial, you may need additional help to win your case. An experienced criminal defense attorney has spent years developing and nurturing relationships with a network of experts in the field, private investigators, and medical practitioners, all of whom can further support your case. It would be nearly impossible for you to produce these witnesses if you were handling your own defense.

    1. A Defense Attorney Can Counter the Prosecution

An experienced criminal defense attorney can assess the prosecution’s evidence and potentially find holes in it, possibly negotiate a settlement with the prosecution, and/or effectively cross-examine the prosecution’s witnesses, if your case goes to trial.


10 Reasons Why You Need a Criminal Defense Attorney…read more


Contact a Clearwater Criminal Defense Attorney to Represent You

Handling your criminal defense case is a daunting task; one that could end in disaster. If you’ve been accused of a crime or are facing criminal charges, take the time to get legal counsel first. Clearwater criminal defense attorney, Dean Tsourakis has the experience to answer all of your questions and can help you with your defense. Call Dean today at 727-785-2700. The initial consultation is free.